Title: Bad news: Thieves' Hideout cannot be skipped. Post by: Myria on November 25, 2014, 07:31:44 PM I've proven once and for all that there is, in fact, no loading zone in the building. I made a ROM patch to make all doors unlock, and when I went inside, nothing happened. =(
https://miiverse.nintendo.net/posts/AYMHAAACAAAYUKl0LZwvZw In happier news, this same hack does work on the Stylish Girl's house. If you do this, the portal is always there, even if none of the others have been unlocked. It works, too. However, I've already covered why early Lorule isn't useful: the sage room gets stuck if Yuga 2 hasn't been defeated and you save a Sage. Title: Re: Bad news: Thieves' Hideout cannot be skipped. Post by: Weegeechan on November 25, 2014, 08:29:13 PM Well....at least we can stop trying to figure out a way to get inside that stupid house :P Even with the current tricks we couldn't get in the house so I have NO idea how we would get into Stylish Girls. There is nothing to work with in Kakariko whatsoever.
Early Lorule should definitely still be messed with through ROM hacks though, because you never know what could be found. Then finding a way into Lorule early wouldn't be a waste of time. I'd say as of right now, early Inside Hyrule Castle would be the closest thing to an early Lorule as we could get. The doors are closed upon going to the castle for the first time, but the loading zone could be there for all we know. We would need to do Eastern Palace anyways to get the merge ability and the doors to IHC open as soon as EP is completed. So we know for sure that early IHC is technically possible, we just need to find a way to get to that loading zone. |