ZSR Forums

=> Ocarina of Time => Topic started by: thiefbug on August 22, 2013, 09:42:26 PM

Title: OoT / MM 100% back to back race [Date: 12/28/2013]
Post by: thiefbug on August 22, 2013, 09:42:26 PM
there was once a chat about a Ocarina of Time (100%) / Majoras Mask (100%) Back to Back race.
But ppl only talk about it and I thought it might be better to start a thread, gathering information because lots of ppl are still about to learn and practice the categories.

Because it is a back to back race and we have to calculate a race time of about 13 hours, it should be planned with as many information as possible.

To schedule it most precise it would be the best to have information about every player that wants to participate.

My Suggestion:
Everyone who's interested in the race should (if possible) post on which days / weeks etc he could be able to race in the next months.

thiefbug - every weekend from november to january
Example 2:
thiefbug - during vacation from 11/02/2013 til 12/08/2013
(both are just examples)

the following list will contain all the interested participants with their given information.
If you are interested please answer, pm me on twitter, twitch or anything like that.


Possible participants
Very likely to participate
will probably participate
tries to participate
won't participate

1. thiefbug
2. Ennopp112
3. Tokyoboi808
4. RunnerGuy2489
5. OptimusPrimeMini
6. MistMaster1
7. FuryRising
8. Qweczol
9. Zas_
10. Frosty
11. MrSinji
12. JBop
13. whatthehellshappened
14. Lulz334
15. Marco
16. ZFG
17. SVA
18. GoronGuy
19. V1nc3

Banned Emulators:
- Smartphone Emulators
- Project64 2.0 and above
- XBOX(360) / PS2 / PS3 / Wii Emulators (Wii VC is NOT considered an emulator !)

Banned Versions for OoT:
- 1.0 Emulator
- 1.1 Emulator
- 1.0 Virtual Console (Inject)
- 1.1 Virtual Console (Inject)
- any other non official game [Excluding Emulator 1.2]

Notification for MM:
- Project64 1.7 frequently Crashes in Pirates Fortress !!

Legit Versions:

- Nintendo64 1.0 / 1.1 / 1.2
- Wii Virtual Console 1.2
- Project64 (1.6 / 1.7) 1.2
- iQue 1.2 [CHI]
- Nintendo Gamecube 1.2


(It's free for the race to be organized by someone else if you think that you / he is more capable of doing it.)

If there are questions left over, feel free to post / ask me and I'm open for criticism.


the race will be restreamed on the ZSR channel by Indextic.

we'll have the mumble server and commentary by the following persons:

Cosmo, ZFG, Moltov, GoronGuy, CrazyyInsane, Piticarus

GoronGuy, VPP, ZFG, Indextic, CrazyyInsane, Jimmie1717

I'll look for a few more to commentate because they will stay for a few hours only. (For example ZFG will join in pretty late, Cosmo will only join when he has time)

Title: Re: OoT / MM 100% back to back race (Status: Gathering Information)
Post by: Runnerguy2489 on August 23, 2013, 09:13:37 PM
Almost done learning MM 100%, haven't played OoT 100% in forever so I'd have a few things to brush up on there too. Does everyone involved have OoT JP 1.0?

I'm definitely interested in this though. Weekends are the only possible time I could do this due to my job. My Saturdays during the Fall (October 19th through December 14th) will almost definitely all be booked. Sundays during those times work but it would have to start at like 10-11 AM EST at the latest so I can wake up the next day and go to work. After that Saturdays may be open depends on stuff like X-mas parties. I don't have a winter break.

Sooo um yeah having a life sucks, haha. Basically Sundays are good.

Title: Re: OoT / MM 100% back to back race (Status: Gathering Information)
Post by: GoronGuy on August 23, 2013, 09:31:46 PM
I doubt this is gonna end up being a really close and fair race though so I'd say just use whatever OoT version you can get your hands on.
That being said VC Injects are obviously still banned.

I am also very interested in joining this, I'm not really too picky about dates and such so I'll just go with whatever works for you guys.

Title: Re: OoT / MM 100% back to back race (Status: Gathering Information)
Post by: thiefbug on August 23, 2013, 10:02:37 PM
@Runnerguy: Winter Break / Vacation time is usually at the end of december so I would suggest a weekend between Xmas and new years eve.
If that doesn't work, we might try to start it earlier on sunday if most of the ppl are okay with it (altho I'm afraid we have to start at a time like that cause the european time is 6 hours ahead)

Considering the Versions - I would prefer to go with the official ZSR rules.
So the only allowed versions would be:
N64 1.0 / 1.1 / 1.2
VC 1.2
Emu 1.2 (PJ64 1.6 cause 1.7 sucks for MM)
(Emu 1.0 [Yes / No]?)
sure, some ppl would have a disadvantage cause of that but personally, going with injects would be even worse (problem about emu 1.0 would be the fact that it is faster, altho no emu player is close to ZFG's or your time)

And the reason for this thread is to get informations like this :p

Okay, so at the moment the time between Xmas and New years would be best I think / hope.

Title: Re: OoT / MM 100% back to back race (Status: looking for a date -> 28/12 ?)
Post by: GoronGuy on August 26, 2013, 09:22:58 PM
Pretty sure Emu 1.0 is banned since Tokyoboi's 100% times recently got removed

Title: Re: OoT / MM 100% back to back race (Status: looking for a date -> 28/12 ?)
Post by: thiefbug on August 26, 2013, 10:11:21 PM
yeah but this is a race - which is why I want to ask everyone for their opinion about emu 1.0 considering the race.
because lulz and vince would like to participate but they can't if emu is banned

Title: Re: OoT / MM 100% back to back race (Status: looking for a date -> 28/12 ?)
Post by: GoronGuy on August 27, 2013, 04:58:38 AM
Dosen't matter if it's a race. EMU 1.0 is banned from ZSR

Title: Re: OoT / MM 100% back to back race (Status: looking for a date -> 28/12 ?)
Post by: cafde on August 28, 2013, 07:45:17 PM
If emu 1.0 is allowed, then vc 1.0 should be allowed, and neither should be. Just a race or not, it's unfair to use an unofficial version that's faster than any official version.

Title: Re: OoT / MM 100% back to back race (Status: looking for a date -> 28/12 ?)
Post by: thiefbug on August 29, 2013, 12:33:23 AM
well... I completely forgot that 1.2 emu is allowed xD I'm stupid.

okay, 1.0 / 1.1 emu and 1.0 VC / 1.1 VC are banned then

Title: Re: OoT / MM 100% back to back race (Status: looking for a date -> 28/12 ?)
Post by: Vince on August 29, 2013, 07:12:26 AM
Alright sure, good to know.

Title: Re: OoT / MM 100% back to back race (Status: looking for a date -> 28/12 ?)
Post by: Qweczol on August 31, 2013, 06:43:46 AM
Hello all,
Sounds cool would love to join. Weekends on winter break would be good for me.
OoT: Fully learned, haven't had time to do runs, should be sometime soon (I have 1.1 N64-J)
MM: Need to learn

Still a lot of time to learn MM so it shouldn't be a problem.

Re: 12/28 that would be good for me.

Title: Re: OoT / MM 100% back to back race [Date: 12/28/2013]
Post by: EnNopp112 on September 10, 2013, 01:11:55 PM
I will join this race on 28th of December  :)

Title: Re: OoT / MM 100% back to back race [Date: 12/28/2013]
Post by: Frosty on September 10, 2013, 11:21:39 PM
I'll join the race, I'm free pretty much whenever.

Also, I have
JP 1.0 n64
VC JP 1.2
and can get whatever emulator stuff. Just let me know what version we will be using.

Title: Re: OoT / MM 100% back to back race [Date: 12/28/2013]
Post by: thiefbug on September 12, 2013, 11:16:19 PM
sorry for replying so late - didn't expect any more answers xD

You can use whichever version you have / prefer, as long as it is allowed.
Some ppl will use VC 1.2
others will use N64 1.0

it's up to you

Start post is updated (would be nice to know which games you can play already and which you still have to learn)

Title: Re: OoT / MM 100% back to back race [Date: 12/28/2013]
Post by: Runnerguy2489 on September 13, 2013, 10:02:36 AM
Will it matter which game we play first? Some folks might want to start with their strong game to get some momentum going. Others might want to focus harder on their weak game first, then when tired after playing for a long time have a game they are more familiar with. It might be nice if everyone did the same thing so viewers can tell who is winning as well.

Either way, it doesn't really matter to me what is decided but I figured I would bring up this point of discussion since it seems a date has been picked.

Title: Re: OoT / MM 100% back to back race [Date: 12/28/2013]
Post by: thiefbug on September 13, 2013, 12:47:27 PM
well... thats what I just wanted to ask about xD

Many ppl will need their focus on MM first cause of the time cycles, I guess. (Dealing with the time after ~ 7 hours sounds kinda hard to me)
besides, since it's a race, it would be better to have a starting order.

In addition, I was thinking about asking a few ppl if they want to commentate the race (altho I guess that the idea is suboptimal, since it's a 12h+ race and we'd need more ppl... and since it's not a puzzle race or anything like that, there's not thaat much to tell about it...? But I'd love to hear your opinions about it :D )

Title: Re: OoT / MM 100% back to back race [Date: 12/28/2013]
Post by: Kejsmaster on September 23, 2013, 09:42:13 PM
Hey thief,
As you may saw in twitter already, I offered to commentate as well. I'm almost done learning MST and I know MM any%. Although I don't run 100% I'm pretty  sure I can comment every single step. I am an active stream watcher of people like Zfg or Ennopp and that's why I'm certain, that I'm able to comment. Also my followers tell me that they love how hype I am, what could be entertaining in some way :).
I won't be mad if you're not interested. I'm just offering :).

Title: Re: OoT / MM 100% back to back race [Date: 12/28/2013]
Post by: thiefbug on September 23, 2013, 11:34:24 PM
added you.
also added marco and sva - but as "uncertain" because they don't know if they can play.

I'll have to take a look on how to organize the whole stuff anyway... maybe I'll ask testrunner on some help considering this (and the zsr channel)

Title: Re: OoT / MM 100% back to back race [Date: 12/28/2013]
Post by: thiefbug on October 07, 2013, 11:10:03 PM
okay, no commentary for the race...
simply because there's not too much to say about those games in more than 12 hours...

I am going to ask every runner on how the progess is in early december.
I want a realistic suggestion on who to count on.

I will have a detailed list with current progress, and how likely it is for the person to participate, since I don't feel like counting on 18 ppl, when 5 actually participate

Title: Re: OoT / MM 100% back to back race [Date: 12/28/2013]
Post by: GoronGuy on October 13, 2013, 04:52:31 PM
yo im dropping out

Title: Re: OoT / MM 100% back to back race [Date: 12/28/2013]
Post by: thiefbug on October 16, 2013, 10:42:05 AM
didn't expect anything else.
I guess lots of ppl will drop out cause I went on it too early and now ppl don't seem to care about it anymore

Title: Re: OoT / MM 100% back to back race [Date: 12/28/2013]
Post by: thiefbug on November 09, 2013, 06:44:39 PM
aaaaand another bump.
I'll start creating a banner anytime soon... once I have the time, lol.

I really hope for you to advertise the whole thing a little to get some hype going - and even if we get no hype, that it'll be fun.


Title: Re: OoT / MM 100% back to back race [Date: 12/28/2013]
Post by: Vince on November 23, 2013, 04:37:35 AM
I'm unable to play as well I'm afraid.

Got some some family visits to make around new years eve but it turns out I have to work for the rest of the week after the 29th :/ Also I've had a bunch of setbacks on getting used to VC and the new mapping, more specifically MM because I've been practicing on a PAL WAD the past few months apparently. Aside from that I've got some personal stuff I've got to take care of the following period.

I feel like I won't make it in terms of time nor motivation because my mind is currently focused on other things. I'm sorry guys

Title: Re: OoT / MM 100% back to back race [Date: 12/28/2013]
Post by: whyieyesya on November 23, 2013, 10:36:11 AM
Also I've had a bunch of setbacks on getting used to VC and the new mapping, more specifically MM because I've been practicing on a PAL WAD the past few months apparently.
There's a PAL WAD with an NTSC rom injected into it surfacing on the internet. If you happened to get that one, then it's not really a problem.

@thiefbug below: I meant that if he happened to get the injected version, his practice up till now wouldn't be useless. Kind of offtopic, but I'm still pretty sure a lot of people are submitting runs performed with this injected version. ::)

Title: Re: OoT / MM 100% back to back race [Date: 12/28/2013]
Post by: thiefbug on November 23, 2013, 07:29:10 PM
thats sad, vince D:
was looking forward to race you there :/

considering the inject - injects aren't allowed.

by the way: if you feel like advertising the race, it would be awesome if you could use this image:
and link it with this pastebin please:

would be highly appreciated.


Title: Re: OoT / MM 100% back to back race [Date: 12/28/2013]
Post by: Jbop on November 23, 2013, 09:37:58 PM
I'm gonna try to join this; no guarantees though  :P

Title: Re: OoT / MM 100% back to back race [Date: 12/28/2013]
Post by: Vince on November 24, 2013, 04:09:28 PM
There's a PAL WAD with an NTSC rom injected into it surfacing on the internet. If you happened to get that one, then it's not really a problem.

@thiefbug below: I meant that if he happened to get the injected version, his practice up till now wouldn't be useless. Kind of offtopic, but I'm still pretty sure a lot of people are submitting runs performed with this injected version. ::)

Yeah I noticed it was the wrong WAD when we did a MM Bingo race and I couldnt load the race file. It's sorted out now but chu hovering against walls and other fast input stuff became a real bitch again. That in combination with the other stuff I mentioned I don't feel like I can invest in MM or even OoT 100% that much atm. I'll try to play though but for now, yeah.....

Title: Re: OoT / MM 100% back to back race [Date: 12/28/2013]
Post by: thiefbug on November 25, 2013, 10:51:44 PM
as you may have seen - I changed the format of the participants list.
I appreciate EVERY status update.
I really want and need to know how many people are going to participate.
it obviously is not final - no one of us can tell by now if he's confirmed for the race or not.
but I think many can tell already if they have to drop out or how high the chance of participating is.

I'd like to keep the list up to date.


Title: Re: OoT / MM 100% back to back race [Date: 12/28/2013]
Post by: thiefbug on December 01, 2013, 11:23:02 PM
it's the 2nd of december now (GMT, not EST :p).

OptimusPrimeMini is back in the race

MAYBE We'll have some high level commentary.

Twitch PM's are going out today (12-02) and I would ask everyone to respond as soon as you know if you can or not.
I'd like to have a complete list of the participants, getting rid of the yellow and orange asap.

if you can't tell yet it's fine. but I don't want to hope for people.

Why do I need these information before the actual race?
Sometimes people do not arrive in time.
If I don't know if you're attending we're:
1) either waiting for nothing cause you can't play and no one knows if you'll ever arrive
2) we might think that you can't play, start the race altho you're just a little late.

I want everyone to be able to participate. But for this I need information.
As much as possible.
if you're late then is not important yet, just if you are able to participate.

so far

Title: Re: OoT / MM 100% back to back race [Date: 12/28/2013]
Post by: Jbop on December 22, 2013, 07:51:35 PM
I'm unfortunately going to have to drop out out of the race because apparently I'm going to visit some family all day Friday and most of the day Saturday, and no one decided to tell me >_>

Hopefully I'll at least get a chance to tune in so I can watch Qweczol beat everyone else to a pulp FrankerZ

Title: Re: OoT / MM 100% back to back race [Date: 12/28/2013]
Post by: Qweczol on December 24, 2013, 07:19:39 PM
Good one Jbop!