Title: Shitty Zelda Post by: Pokey on November 15, 2009, 05:40:35 AM Here is where you talk about CDi Zelda. If your soul is unfortanate enough to actually own the 3 CDi games then exprss your pain here.
Title: Re: Shitty Zelda Post by: AniMeowzerz on November 15, 2009, 07:20:51 AM ... wait, people actually OWN these games?
Oh gyad. Title: Re: Shitty Zelda Post by: SD2 on November 15, 2009, 02:34:16 PM These are not Zelda games, and therefore should not be discussed here.
I think... Title: Re: Shitty Zelda Post by: Tompa on November 15, 2009, 07:06:00 PM I hardly count them as Zelda games at least, no matter what people say.
I still own two of them though: Wand of Gamelon and Faces of Evil. I just need a console to play them on and I'll see how shitty they are. Title: Re: Shitty Zelda Post by: bertin on November 17, 2009, 10:51:50 AM I played these games. and yes they are terrible as they say. all of these games went for at least $100 each on ebay. and CD-I itself was expensive also. Good that I don't own these myself and my friend was crazy enough to purchase all 3. Trust me...this is as bad as zelda could possibly get.
Title: Re: Shitty Zelda Post by: Lexkeeta on November 30, 2009, 12:41:20 AM We should host cd-i speed runs here
Title: Re: Shitty Zelda Post by: ING-X on June 21, 2010, 03:09:49 AM Gee, it sure is boring around here...
Title: Re: Shitty Zelda Post by: Pokey on June 21, 2010, 02:50:51 PM Ing, please keep your "riff raff" out of this thread, We don't want any of your silly nonsense in this whole entire category. Please go back to your silly 3D games.
Title: Re: Shitty Zelda Post by: DannyCorvus on July 27, 2011, 07:34:31 PM Has anyone else ever actually considered speedrunning these?
Also, because I just can't resist... MAH BOI, this peace is what ALL true warriors strive for! Title: Re: Shitty Zelda Post by: Tompa on July 30, 2011, 10:06:17 AM Would be very fun. But I need to get a new CD-i system to do that. And if someone makes a CD-i emulator I can TAS with, I'll start TASing one of these AT ONCE.
Title: Re: Shitty Zelda Post by: Mike on August 10, 2011, 01:17:10 AM If I can figure out how to set it up, would anyone be interested in a live stream of the CD-i Zelda games? I beat them all years ago, but haven't touched them since, so this wouldn't be a speedrun or anything, just a casual play through. Not sure how long I can tolerate the loading times for moving to the next screen in Zelda's Adventure.
Edit: Well, if this isn't more proof these games suck. I was trying to use my old XPS 600 with it's SD capture card to test stream Zelda's Adventure, and after spending over an hour updating drivers and crap and getting it to actually work, the computer suffered a major crash when I tried to change from widescreen to 4:3. Anyway, streaming is a no go till I get a replacement capture device (either a HD PVR or Black Magic Intensity Shuttle solution) that's compatible with my laptop. Title: Re: Shitty Zelda Post by: Tompa on August 10, 2011, 04:43:45 PM Would be nice to see a playthrough, yeah. Too bad it didn't work out so well for you though...
Didn't you make a Zelda's Adventure speedrun awhile ago? Was that ever uploaded somewhere? Title: Re: Shitty Zelda Post by: Mike on August 10, 2011, 06:42:06 PM Didn't you make a Zelda's Adventure speedrun awhile ago? Was that ever uploaded somewhere? Hell no. The only thing I've ever done was upload a few videos years ago to Google Video. I transferred one of them over into my YouTube account when Google Video was shut down recently. It's the ending (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hN5T15itd-s). My only interest is in doing a play through, maybe a video guide. The hit detection in these games is so ridiculously bad and erratic. I'll probably get the new capture device this weekend. http://www.ustream.tv/channel/miketsas-show I'll try streaming on Friday. The Hauppauge HD PVR wouldn't accept the CD-i's sub 480p signal, so I ordered a USB 2.0 SD capture dongle that should do the trick that will come this week. Title: Re: Shitty Zelda Post by: Mike on August 23, 2011, 06:00:22 PM Got it working. Ustream Producer ftw. Streaming Xenoblade Chronicles right now. I'll figure out a time this weekend and will do Zelda's Adventure stuff then - will post the specific times later.
Title: Re: Shitty Zelda Post by: Tompa on August 25, 2011, 06:49:31 AM Great! It will be an interesting watch to see some shitty Zelda action :D.
Title: Re: Shitty Zelda Post by: Mike on August 29, 2011, 03:20:04 AM Great! It will be an interesting watch to see some shitty Zelda action :D. The Amazon seller who I bought the ATI card from (for 480i and lower signals for retro gaming, ie, CD-i stuff) cancelled the order on me and did not notify me at all of this. I called Amazon and they explained it was up to that seller to notify me, which is crap. So I ordered another one with expedited shipping. So sorry I couldn't get to this this weekend. I do have a 4 day weekend coming up, so barring no more issues, I should have it this week and will have plenty of time to stream this weekend. Title: Re: Shitty Zelda Post by: Tompa on August 29, 2011, 05:40:43 AM Well, that was a dumb move from the seller...
No panic though, I can wait as long as neccesary. Title: Re: Shitty Zelda Post by: Mike on September 01, 2011, 04:47:25 AM Ok, so the ATI card didn't work. Screw it. Ordered a Dazzle with 1 day shipping. If this doesn't work/arrive in time, I will try to bring home something from work that converts the signal into something my capture devices can recognize.
Edit: Even after using a scan converter, Black Magic wouldn't detect the signal. So, what will work is my old PC. I can't promise the video will have audio (it wasn't working last time), but you'll get video. I'll make a new post tomorrow with a heads up on what time the stream will begin. Title: Re: Shitty Zelda Post by: Tompa on September 02, 2011, 10:58:19 PM Sucks that you have to go through so much trouble in order to stream these awesome games :-\. We'll see what ends up working, if anything. I'll continue to wait with patience!
Title: Re: Shitty Zelda Post by: Mike on September 02, 2011, 11:30:29 PM Okay, so got it to work. Played for about an hour, worked fine.
Nobody showed up. I'm gonna actually put the word out on other sites and set this up for another time. Title: Re: Shitty Zelda Post by: doommaker on August 18, 2012, 08:10:42 PM Gee, it sure is boring around here... Mah boi this peace is what all true warriors strive for. Has anyone else ever actually considered speedrunning these? didn't relies he did it first..now I just feel stupid...Also, because I just can't resist... MAH BOI, this peace is what ALL true warriors strive for! Title: Re: Shitty Zelda Post by: cornshaq on January 19, 2014, 11:09:35 PM Set the new world record in Wand of Gamelon I am gonna keep running the game for now and get even better http://www.twitch.tv/cornshaq/c/3551658 I doubt they every would but there is a few runners of Wand of Gamelon now and I challenge anyone else who may be interested to pick up the game gonna start routing Faces of Evil soon.
Title: Re: Shitty Zelda Post by: Tompa on January 20, 2014, 09:28:42 PM Yo =).
I'll start practicing either tomorrow or the day after. Current route I'll be using eventually: http://pastebin.com/t6V4t2L2 Fairy Pool for a life refill will likely be removed eventually. And I'm not sure that the second sword upgrade will be worth it or not, I'm already skipping the first. Also no lanterns. Title: Re: Shitty Zelda Post by: Dogeritos on February 21, 2015, 03:27:50 AM I hardly count them as Zelda games at least, no matter what people say. I still own two of them though: Wand of Gamelon and Faces of Evil. I just need a console to play them on and I'll see how shitty they are. Emulator?... Title: Re: Shitty Zelda Post by: Tompa on February 21, 2015, 12:50:19 PM What a good thing to bump for that :P.
Well, I have all three games and two consoles. I've been speedrunning Wand of Gamelon and Faces of Evil as well. I never really got the emulator to work anyway, I also don't like using emulators to play games. Title: Re: Shitty Zelda Post by: Pokey on September 01, 2015, 08:09:45 AM I have legit copies of FoE and WoG. I bought a CDi online and it came with "Demonstration Only" discs of all 3 but I'm pretty sure all 3 are burned and not legit. Either way I can "enjoy" ZA without having to pay $400 for it so I guess I'm happy
Title: Re: Shitty Zelda Post by: Tompa on September 02, 2015, 06:15:36 AM "Enjoy" is certainly the right term :P. People always say that all three of them are shitty games, but I think WoG and FoE are quite neat. But ZA is however insanely crappy...
But yeah, hope you "enjoy" all three and I'm awaiting runs on them :D. |