Title: Skipping Deku Shield? Post by: Implicit on September 10, 2012, 10:32:30 PM Where does the loading zone for the Gohma battle begin? If it's close enough, we can navigate to it from a vine clip and skip the shield completely in an Any% run.
Title: Re: Skipping Deku Shield? Post by: mzxrules on September 11, 2012, 12:12:23 AM There's no way to vine clip into the boss trigger without using some sort of hovering. The loading zone for Gohma's room is situated at a North-western part of the dungeon portion of the dungeon, while all the vines are located on the eastern side of the their respective rooms, save for some vines on the southern wall of the compass room.
Title: Re: Skipping Deku Shield? Post by: Implicit on September 11, 2012, 01:32:25 PM Thanks, is there some sort of map showing the boss loading zones in OoT? And one more question, would it be faster to use the Ganon's Tower collapse skip or to just skip the slingshot?