Japanese Skyward Sword ISO JPN NTSC-J WII Download[Torrent][TPB]


Hi everyone :)/ I was searching everywhere for a Skyward Sword Japanese ISO and couldn't find anything  :-\   So I bought a brand new sealed copy and decided to upload it. I dumped this using CleanRip with the latest Homebrew channel and latest software including wads, so it ripped at 2.0 USB speed. I tested on both USB and a burned disk and works flawlessly. Anyways hope you guys enjoy :)

Download link: https://thepiratebay.la/torrent/12399523/_________________.ISO.Skyward_Sword[WII][NTSC-J][SergioZSR]

You will need Utorrent to download it(Obviously): http://www.utorrent.com/

This was dumped using Emu_Kidid's CleanRip Homebrew application for the Nintendo Wii, Thanks to Emu_Kidid for CleanRip

CleanRip is a Gamecube and Wii optical disc backup tool for the Nintendo Wii.
The "Clean" in CleanRip comes from the fact that this tool does not require nor utilize any custom IOS (cIOS).
It simply requires that you have the latest Homebrew Channel (HBC) installed. Also, if it finds that IOS58 is installed, you will be able to rip discs at USB 2.0 speeds.


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