ZSR Forums

=> Everything Else => Topic started by: Unreal on September 27, 2009, 01:15:05 AM

Title: Speedrunning and You
Post by: Unreal on September 27, 2009, 01:15:05 AM
How does speedrunning affect you guys? I'm talking about failed attempts and what not. Do you get in a chaotic rage? break down into tears? or just sit back and chill.... Me...


Unreal mad 1 and 2, download them. I also have another one where i kick my controller into the n64 console. You can't see it but you can hear the noise and my tv goes a little whack... <_< I'll only upload if you guys want to see.

Title: Re: Speedrunning and You
Post by: Runnerguy2489 on September 27, 2009, 01:50:14 AM
Haha, good stuff.

I go into a rage, but no controller throwing, kicking, etc. I never let it get to that point. Like in Unreal mad 2, when you are swearing before you even start the temple, that's when I just stop playing for a little bit.

When I get a successful segment, I'm really excited, not just to have it done but to show it to you guys. That's always the best part for me, sharing it.

Title: Re: Speedrunning and You
Post by: Unreal on September 27, 2009, 02:01:11 AM
Yeah, sometimes this shit really gets to me lol. I'm lucky I didn't break my controller or anything when I kicked the controller. That's including my toes lol. I agree with the success part... I love showing new segments, runs, glitches, etc to the community.

Title: Re: Speedrunning and You
Post by: ZFG on September 27, 2009, 02:22:10 AM
The worst I get is cursing under my breath.  I get a lot madder playing MKWii >_>

Title: Re: Speedrunning and You
Post by: Unreal on September 27, 2009, 02:30:12 AM
Well I'm uploading Unreal mad 3... it should be in junk in like 3 minutes according to the uploader thing. I just realized... what if I kicked the controller through my hd tv... <__< God I'm one lucky bastard. But yeah, people should record themselves speedrunning more often, lol idk just a thought. Just to see how angry people get.

Title: Re: Speedrunning and You
Post by: AniMeowzerz on September 27, 2009, 02:45:17 AM
I swear out loud.


Very loudly.

At 2 in the morning while everyone's asleep. :D
I scare everyone I talk to on skype too with my angerlicious profanity.

Title: Re: Speedrunning and You
Post by: Lexkeeta on September 27, 2009, 10:09:28 PM
i just groan and press reset

im calm but very impatient. I usually only do 1 short attempt session per day.

Title: Re: Speedrunning and You
Post by: SD2 on September 28, 2009, 12:18:06 AM
Believe it or not, I rarely get frustrated.  Only when I repeatedly screw up on easy parts, or start getting bored, do I get angry.

I still remember when I started speedrunning, I swore at almost every failure (my brother actually recorded me speedrunning and showed my mom, I almost beat him up for it).  These days, I usually try to laugh it off, or quit for the day.  If I start losing it, I usually don't play for a couple of days.  Never have a thrown a controller because of speedrunning...  Well, actually, I've thrown the Wii remote, but only with the wrist strap on. :P

The same brother that recorded me speed running over a year ago?  He put a hole in the wall with my Rubik's Cube after he failed a song on Guitar Hero. :P

Title: Re: Speedrunning and You
Post by: GlitchesAndStuff on October 04, 2009, 04:16:09 PM
I don't really,  I usually improve every time I try so it keeps getting better and better... sometimes I can't be bothered to get a good run tho, because in my snowhead IL (should be up soon hopefully) I have a terrible goht fight but I still submitted...

Title: Re: Speedrunning and You
Post by: Blizzerk on October 09, 2009, 07:27:15 PM
when i clicked the topic i was hoping it would be like a book



lol :3

Title: Re: Speedrunning and You
Post by: Chimpas on October 13, 2009, 04:36:45 PM

once, attepting to record the TP arbiters grounds, my controller failed so many times that I throwed it to the ground and it crashed into pieces, I had to buy another one, I have to confess also that that same segment, was completed around 6 PM, I was supossed to be at school but I skipped it, and the segment of snowpeak ruins, I wasn't sleepping very well by thinking on it, so around 12 AM woke up and started recording, then I done it...

Title: Re: Speedrunning and You
Post by: BlueStarReturns on January 07, 2010, 06:36:40 PM
Every time I want to start speedrunning and practicing for a game, the only thing that stops me (as stupid as it sounds) is whether I'll ever be able to play the game normally again after I've done way too much running practice. I know it's a stupid reason, but that's why I stop all the time.

Deep down, I like playing a game the normal way, but that tends to get boring for me after the 100th time beating it and I want a new challenge. What worries me is that the same thing will happen when I start speedrunning: I'll eventually (though not for a LONG time) run it for the 100th time and then the challenge won't be there anymore.

That's the effect that speedrunning has on me. But I still think it's something that could be fun as long as I'm creative.

Title: Re: Speedrunning and You
Post by: aleckermit on January 07, 2010, 08:33:29 PM
I'm pretty chill until about the 20th attempt. I get REALLY pissed off, which usually leads to more bad attempts. Walking away and chilling-out/meditating for a few moments seems to help. I get pretty verbal sometimes too. "FUCK, WTF, GD IT, NAVI YOU PIECE OF SHIT, JUST LET ME HAVE IT, COME ON, QUITE WASTING MY TIME, SON OF A BITCH, and ASS" are my most common phrases.

Title: Re: Speedrunning and You
Post by: Maxx on January 08, 2010, 06:26:35 AM
I don't lose my temper very easily, but once I get frustrated I curse under my breath at things that aren't even close to run killers (like running into an enemy and losing half a second or so).  It's pretty quiet so you might not hear me even if you were in the room.

Title: Re: Speedrunning and You
Post by: Swordless Link on January 08, 2010, 08:17:40 AM
I normally react "well", I guess. Meaning "not angry".

When I had to redo Majora's Mask after 50 minutes of gameplay, I was furious, however. I absolutely hated everyone involved with the route rewriting for a while and didn't open Mupen for weeks. I eventually realised that it was for the best though, and tried to get back to work on it, but at that point, my motivation for working on the game had almost completely gone, so I just said "fuck it" and let Grunz do the run instead after I had done the first cycle again (for like the sixth time).

I recently found out that I'll have to redo the last section of my LADX run, a lot of which was painful to optimise, thanks to a new sequence break. This sort of thing would normally get to me (in the sense that I would lose all desire to work on the run for a while), but it really hasn't here, because this particular sequence break is something we've been looking for for years (entering Turtle Rock without the third ocarina song), so I'm honestly happy to redo for it.

Title: Re: Speedrunning and You
Post by: ING-X on January 11, 2010, 09:34:45 PM
I think you ALL know what happens when i get pissed off. :P

actually that's a lie - i exaggerate my anger a lot on irc. however i do get pretty pissy-faced when i keep fucking up things, and i'm also very hard on myself (i yell at myself for being "incompetent" and say that i "can't do anything right" over failing really hard tricks that i somehow have convinced myself are supposed to be easy lol).

Title: Re: Speedrunning and You
Post by: Unreal on January 12, 2010, 01:00:27 AM
ING when you were streaming your low% playthrough I thought the reason you stopped the stream so quick was cause you were crying. >_>

Title: Re: Speedrunning and You
Post by: ING-X on January 12, 2010, 01:11:05 AM
ING when you were streaming your low% playthrough I thought the reason you stopped the stream so quick was cause you were crying. >_>

lolno, why did everyone think that? XD