TWW: Question & Answer / Trick Help

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If you have any questions about the workings of the game, tricks, routes, or speedruns, this is the place to ask or help others.

Is there a route available for a segmented any% run?

I don't really have enough time at the moment to try single segment runs but I can't find any routes on the internet.


There is not any right now, KlydeStorm had one but at this point it's dated. I would imagine it would be similar to the RTA route and segmented mostly by savewarps. As far as tricks go, segmented would not bring anything new aside from a possible Puppet Ganon skip.

Segmented runs aren't really faster. A segmented run consists of doing segments over and over to get them perfect. AFAIK they aren't really meant for casual speed running. Also, there is no segmented route, and I don't think anyone will make a route for a while because of all the recent discoveries.


Is there a list of good spots to do storage at?


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